Student Projects
A growing collection of student projects - completed, ongoing, and suggestions.
I had the pleasure of supervising over 50 student projects of various kinds as main, or co-supervisor. It is with great pleasure that I support students to follow their passion, and acquire new knowledge. In some projects a company was involved which lead to mutual beneficial outcomes. If you are considering this, be mindful that this might come with strings attached, i.e. an NDA. In the past projects it has also yield to the students being hired at the same company after the project.
If you are considering me as a supervisor, you can find a list of project suggestions and completed supervised projects below for inspiration.
How to do a great project - general advise
With best intentions I am sharing some general advise on written work. I created a github repository, currently hosted on itu github. Please be mindful that you might not be able to access it if you are not from ITU. (I might provide the content elsewhere upon demand.)
My Project Proposals
Consider the following an incomplete list of my research interests. Some interesting keywords for your project include but are not limited to:
- Machine Learning in Mental Health applications
- Face Generation and Deep Fakes
- Fake Image Detection
- Human Motion Analysis
- 3D reconstruction
- Image Generation and Classification
Feel free to contact me with project suggestions. Be mindful that I have a limited capacity of supervisions I am agreeing to at a time, therefore please reach out early. You can consider a joint supervision, which gives the opportunity to combine the knowledge of different people.
Projects elsewhere
You also might want to look elsewhere at ITU. You can find interesting student projects in the following groups here:
Finalized and Ongoing Projects
In the following I will provide a list of finalized student projects which I supervised at ITU and LUH. The year indicates the year when it was officially finalized, i.e. the time of examination. If not stated otherwise the project was conducted by one student, otherwise you will find the number of students involved in the group project at the end of the line. The different abbreviations are referring to the following types
- MSc : Master thesis
- RP : Research Project
- BSc : Bachelor thesis
Currently Ongoing student projects
Currently, I am supervising several projects focussing on (deep) fake detection, and applications of machine learning in the mental health domain.
- 2024, RP, Fake Image Detection
- 2024, RP, Fake Speech detection
- 2024, RP, Automatic Depression Detection
(Note that the project titles are preliminary, and might change in the final submission. )
Finalized student projects at ITU
This is a list of projects I supervised or co-supervised since I started working at ITU 2019.
- If not stated otherwise, it is a project of one person.
- Your name will only appear if you explicitly agreed to it, and you can always ask to have it removed.
- Companies involved in the projects are intentionally not mentioned.
- Message me if you would like your name added or removed from the project.
Finalized projects:
- 2025, RP, Evaluation of Image Classifiers - Generalization and Robustness Against Alterations
- 2025, RP, Testing a Deepfake Detector: Adversarial Robustness and Generation Method Variability, 2 students
- 2025, RP, Beyond Real or Fake: Differentiating Diffusion Models Using Image Fingerprints and CNNs, 3 students
- 2025, RP, Detecting AI Generated Speech, 2 students
- 2024, MSc, Classification of gym machines
- 2024, MSc, Synthesis of realistic 3D facial animation from audio
- 2024, MSc, Reconstructing 3D Tennis Ball Trajectories from Monocular Video, 2 students
- 2024, MSc, From Customers to Donors: Transferring Marketing Analytics to the Non-profit Sector
- 2024, MSc, Predicting GeoGuessr Locations Using Transformer Models, 2 students
- 2024, MSc, Domain-aware embeddings for anomaly detection
- 2024, BSc, Event Detection with Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing, 3 students
- 2024, MSc, Unmasking the Diffusion: Detecting Synthetic Images Generated by Text-To-Image Diffusion Models, Malthe Asbjørn Nørgaard
- 2024, RP, Fit-Ai, 3 students
- 2024, RP, Semi-supervised classification of engine parts, 2 students
- 2024, RP, Developing a Worldwide Dataset for Image Geolocation, 2 students
- 2024, MSc, Enhancing Visual Inspection with Synthetic Data Generation: A Deep Learning Approach for Realistic and Diverse Image Synthesis
- 2023, MSc, Image Editing with Denoising Diffusion Models and Gradient Guidance
- 2023, MSc, Evaluating Convolutional Neural Network Classification Performance in Building Components from Architectural Drawings
- 2023, RP, Detecting Art Portraits Generated by Stable Diffusion, 2 students
- 2023, BSc, Machine Learning on Yoga
- 2023, BSc, Navigating Indoors with Computer Vision: Exploring Deep Learning Approaches for Room-Level Indoor Localisation, Jonas-Mika Senghaas
- 2023, RP, Vision-based Hit Detection in Badminton, 3 students
- 2023, MSc, Robust Detection of Stable Diffusion Generated Images, 2 students
- 2023, RP, Performance comparison of anomaly detection models on systematically altered images
- 2023, BSc, Evaluating deepfake technology, 2 students
- 2023, RP, Physiological Measurements from Face Videos
- 2023, RP, Localized Editing of Synthetic Images using Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models and Semantic Image Segmentation
- 2023, RP, Exploring the Impact of Textual Inversion and CLIP Guidance on Image Generation using Stable Diffusion
- 2023, RP, Detection of Stable Diffusion Generated Images, 2 students
- 2023, RP, Diffusion Models for Synthetic Data Generation
- 2022, MSc, Assessing the Severity of Bipolar Disorder using Neural Networks, 2 students
- 2022, MSc, Towards a quantitative study approach in analysing typography as a semiotic mode, 3 students
- 2022, BSc, Vision-based human motion analysis in gymnastics, 3 students
- 2022, RP, 3D reconstruction based on architectural floorplans
- 2022, RP, Assessing Bipolar Disorder using Machine Learning, 2 students
- 2022, BSc, Facial expression transfer with machine learning, 2 students
- 2022, MSc, Multimodal Variational Autoencoder for Metabolite Identification
- 2021, MSc, Face characteristic similarity in regards to cosmetics, 2 students
- 2021, BSc, Analysis of images of cylinders, 2 students
- 2021, MSc, Augmenting Humanoid Animations Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- 2021, BSc, Screen position estimation based on images of hands, 2 students
- 2021, RP, Medical Image Classification (Covid-19)
- 2021, BSc, Face Analysis with Deep Learning
- 2021, RP, Generative Model of Human Body Motion for Walking
- 2021, RP, Hair Care Recommendation System, 2 students
- 2020, BSc, Medical Image Segmentation
- 2020, MSc, Exploring the latent space of StyleGAN for semantic face editing and expression transfer
- 2020, MSc, Analysis, alignment and classification of body motion data, 2 students
- 2020, RP, Synthesis of Face Images Using Generative Algorithms
- 2020, RP, Analysis, alignment and classification of body motion data, 2 students
before 2019 - Finalized student projects at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH)
List of projects which I supervised before 2019. Note: some works were originally written in German. In that case I am adding the English title for convenience.
- 2019, MSc, Automatic Face Analysis from Videos
- 2019, BSc, 3D model of human motion (3D Modell menschlicher Bewegungen)
- 2018, Studienarbeit, monocular model-based 3D face reconstruction employing edge information (Monokulare Modellbasierte 3D Gesichtsrekonstruktion unter Verwendung von Kanteninformationen)
- 2018, Studienarbeit, Estimation of corresponding 3D faces from 3D face scans (Schätzung korrespondierender 3D Gesichter aus 3D Scans)
- 2017, BSc, Estimation of high-resolution correspondences for 3D scans of faces (Schätzung hochaufgelöster Korrespondenzen für 3D Scans von Gesichtern)
- 2017, MSc, Increasing the Spatial Resolution of 3D Surfaces Using Images
- 2017, MSc, Alignment of 3D-Sequences of Facial Expressions
- 2015, MSc, Correspondence Estimation of 3D Facial Point Sets
- 2013, BSc, Influence of Modelmatrix Choices in Statistical Models for Face Representation (Einfuss der Modellmatrix in statistischen Modellen zur Repräsentation von Gesichtern)
- 2013, BSc, Comparison of frame interpolation techniques for mouth sequences