
Jun 18, 2024 Today, Magnus is presenting the paper titled “A stroke of genius: Predicting the next move in badminton” at the 10th International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVsports) at CVPR 2024! You are welcome to drop by his poster. The github repo is in progress.
May 28, 2024 Greetings from Istanbul! Today we present at the International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Check the paper website here.
Apr 16, 2024 Back from another inspiring meeting of the Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network (LFIN). This time in Middlefart.
Apr 05, 2024 Our paper “A stroke of genius: Predicting the next move in badminton” was accepted for publication at 10th International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVsports) at CVPR 2024! Congratulations Magnus!
Mar 05, 2024 Our paper “Discovering Interpretable Directions in the Semantic Latent Space of Diffusion Models” was accepted for publication at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition! Accepted papers listed here. Congratulations René!
Feb 10, 2024 Luiza got two papers accepted! One at ROBOVIS, and another at Oceans. You can meet her there!
Feb 01, 2024 Looking forward meeting people at the D3A conference.
Nov 24, 2023 Today René Haas defended his PhD thesis with the title Deep Generative Models for Faces and Expressions!